I love you
I hate you
I just wanna walk away
I just wanna be alone
I swear
I just want you here
I don't know
If I love you
Or I hate you more
I just know
It's the same damn coin
You so sweet and tangy to me
And you so damn confusing
It's so sweet and tangy for me
You so damn confused
So juicy juicy
Gushy for me
And Then you leave an after taste
When you leave your aftertaste
At first your sweet
And then it fades
I could mix you
With a little something
It's only for acquired taste
I don't know
If I love you
Or I hate you more
I just know
It's the same damn coin
You so sweet and juicy to me
You so damn confusing
Make it sweet and tangy for me
You so damn confused