Someday I know your storms will all pass
Someday I hope they won't all crash
I know your world is not looking good
As it should be
I know you're curled up in a blanket hoping tomorrow will come soon
With the sunrise
My life hasn't been going as planned
People have left me
My heart is breaking
I just want it to end
I know one day it will all pass and i'll find you
But until then i'm gonna try to just get through
And find who I am within
I know it doesn't have to be like this
I wish I could stay in this moment and not let it end
I hope I can figure all these problems out and find an end to them
It might be soon
I hope
You're gonna find the sunrise
I know your world is not looking good
As it should be
I know you're waiting on someone to make it all feel complete
But that someone is in you
You've just got to wait
And get through today
You'll get through today