My head hurts my chest aches
I'm dizzy I'm tired
My body's held together by tape
I'm not coping I'm falling apart at the seams
My ugly thoughts run rogue and hide in my dreams,
My days are muddled my nights are a mess
I'm scared to sleep, I can't rest
I dissociate and caffeinate, I stay up too late
I'm in crisis mode I can't f*cking function I don't know how to cope with this corruption without total self destruction
I'm exhausted, I'm restless, I think I've regressed, trying to escape life is f*cking useless
I wish I could exit this horror story, I'm scared, I hate this unfamiliar territory
I keep the light on at night but monsters still come, I'm afraid of the dark, but they aren't
I can't hide in my wardrobe or under my bed, there's nowhere to go that I don't dread
I can't run away from thoughts in my head, so I sit and cry in the shower for hours to try drown them instead
I shouldn't be hunting for memories, but easter eggs I find in my mind fill my basket
Im a basket case, a complex case, a case file you'll never crack, I'm cracked as hell I'm a broken egg shell
I found memories I'd forgotten, they were lost in the pile at the very bottom
I don't know if they're important, can I throw them away? Or will I regret it if I need them someday
I watch them on a loop until my head spins and I'm nauseas like a f*cking hangover
I'm in crisis mode I can't f*cking function I don't know how to cope with this corruption without total self destruction
I'm exhausted, I'm restless, I think I've regressed, trying to escape life is f*cking useless
I wish I could exit this horror story, I'm scared, I hate this unfamiliar territory
Send help, what's happening, I'm lost in my mind, I'm losing my marbles, I broke my adult wise mind
I'm stuck in the past, I can't get back from childhood, I'm as naive as little red riding hood
I connected to my inner child, but now she's got hold, I am her, she is me, the voice in my head is a five year old
She's sweet but she's freaking me out
She talks to me but I don't know what she's on about
We draw on walls and drink red cordial for breakfast, and I'm an adult so shouldn't condone this
But I don't know the rules, I've never played this game. Am I just a child now? Please explain
I'm in crisis mode I can't f*cking function I don't know how to cope with this corruption without total self destruction
I'm exhausted, I'm restless, I think I've regressed, trying to escape life is f*cking useless. I wish I could exit this horror story, I'm scared, I hate this unfamiliar territory
Send help what's happening, I'm held hostage by a little girl
Shes crazy but I love her most in the world
And my worlds a circus, I'm riding the roller coaster from psycho lane to a land hopefully less insane