What if I don't wait at the light?
Will it be funny when I die?
Or am I just laughing
At the thought of it?
Why do they keep speeding by?
Why do they keep speeding by?
Is loving the same as dying?
Surrendering yourself to something
The way they pull your hair
Their eyes open when you kiss
Their eyes open when you kiss
What if I stop by your house
And beg for you to come out?
Wipe the tears on your doormat
Your doorway flooding yellow light
All the fears coming outside
Sourcing pleasing warmth
Sourcing pleasing warmth
What if your eyes kill me
When I catch a glance?
Will I try to read your lips
Or contemplate
Your nose instead?
If I see a blue like yours
Will I be too scared to look?
Will my name come out the same?
Will my words still make a sound?
Will my words still make a sound?
Will my words still make a sound?
Will my words
Will my words
Will my words
Will my words
Will my words