Oh oh oh oh
This waiting room struggle
It's 3 o'clock in the morning
And I'm stuck here waiting
I got 6 people in front of me
And they don't even have my tea
Why did he have to strap in
My patience is wearing so thin
The tv is barely used
As it's playing some boring news
Why is this happening
I can't stand this anymore
Someone save me from this morgue
I can't sit here forever
This isn't so clever
I feel like I'm doomed
Stuck here in this waiting room
In this waiting room
Why does this always happen to me
I'm stuck in this waiting room spree
I've been waiting for 8 hours now
And why is this smell so fowl
Please help me get through this jungle
I'm stuck in this waiting room struggle
I can't stand this anymore
Someone save me from this morgue
I can't sit here forever
This isn't so clever
I feel like I'm doomed
Stuck here in this waiting room
In this waiting room
Oh no here comes another patient
With all the papers to show their reservations
The waiting just got longer
My temper is slowly getting stronger
How much more can I deal with
I was told this waiting was only a myth
I can't take this anymore
I'm getting ready to start a war
God help me please
I can't stand this anymore
Someone save me from this morgue
I can't sit here forever
This isn't so clever
I feel like I'm doomed
Stuck here in this waiting room
In this waiting room
I can't stand this anymore
Someone save me from this morgue
I can't sit here forever
This isn't so clever
I feel like I'm doomed
Stuck here in this waiting room
In this waiting room
Please help me get out from this prison
Before I make the wrong decision
I really don't want to cuddle
In this waiting room struggle