Hey it's me
Your inner self
Deep down you know
You should go to the bar now
With all of your loved ones
Not to get 1 shot
Or 2 shots
Or 10 shots
You should drink some vitamins
Share toilets to hydrate yourself
Water is the key
Of everything that was
And will be
And your energy level
Is low
I know
You dance
But it's a show
Your feet hurt
Your ears hurt
You tryna fill this hole in your heart
With music and friends and fun and stuff
But trust me
The only thing you need
But trust me
The only thing you need is
It's friday I'm home
I'm chilling alone
Should I go to the club
Should I pick my girl up
What am I gonna do
Where the fck is my crew
All I want is the bass
And you licking my face
I'm dancing alone
Tryna fill that hole
Underneath my soul
The music to loud
F*cking hate the crowd
So I'm walking around
Nothing to find
Nowhere to hide
You know I might
Find some time to
Hydrate myself
Hydration is the key
But trust me
The only thing you need is
Your inner self
Hydrate yourself
Stop dancing drink water start dancing
The circle of rave
How you should behave
Swallow the good thing
Forget the bad shit
Don't tryna be a savage
Don't tryna act ratchet
Let it flow
Let it go
Free your soul
Is the goal
Get another human
Sacrifice time
Because what you can
Do is not a crime
That's how I tell you
So you'll understand
In the end
In the end