I can't jerk off no more
My tumblr feed is nothing but
Dead bodies and tragedies
Shit is hitting the fan yet
People keep saying that this
Shit can't happen to me
Well it is in our backyards
On our soil, on our hashtags
And it is on our minds
This is about race, class wars
Our f*cked up democracy
Taking out all of mankind
We are all one, one sky
One Earth, one future
One time
Can't we all just please love
Each other or at least just
Respect one another
Mike Brown is looking down
And he's seeing a nation trying to
Pull together with our palms open
And our hands held high, we say
"Don't shoot!"
F*ck every news channel that
Refuses to report the reality of
This situation
Forces hacktivists, brothers and sisters
In Anonymous to shine
Light on this frustration
Freedom of speech, right to protest
Is all being taken away from
Us right before our eyes
This has happened before
Kent State, Jackson University
How many young adults need to die?
We fight amongst ourselves
Because we can't face the fact
That we're a bored war hungry country
If you believe in truth, justice
And the American way
It is dead
Palestine citizens educate us
How to deal with our own
Militarized police forces
Only in the US of A
Only in the land of the free
"Don't shoot"
I keep having nightmares
Of ex-girlfriends
Taking their own lives
How can I move on when
I got ghosts burning
Under my own eyes
Fake teeth, busted face
Distant family and
Endless anxiety
But I am so f*cking lucky
To be alive and with
My wife to be
Suicide still haunts my shadows
Oh and the darkness
Is still there
This time I am not alone
I have my friends
Right here, right here
I worry for the future
The ones I can't help
The ones who need someone just like me
Be there for your friends,
Your family, your neighbors
Countrymen, Earthlings
Speak, talk, share love
We have to choose to be
Good or evil
The choice is yours