No one calls me honey
When I'm calling, weeping on the phone
No one calls me honey
When I've done something wrong
No one calls me honey
When I lie down shattered into pieces
After they buried my heart and soul Really can't be honey, so don't call me honey
I am not your honey
While you mop with my dreams, the floor
I am not your honey
When you put me down in front of all
I am not your honey
When you only say adios
Really can't be honey, so don't call me honey
You are not my honey
When you continue to do me wrong
You are not my honey
When all you hear me is yapping whenever I wanna talk
You are not my honey
When you block all my calls
Really can't be honey
When you show no emotion, devotion, communication and passion for me
Don't call me honey
Honey, don't
Really can't be honey, so don't call me honey
I used to believe in love I thought we were meant to be
But now I see the truth You never cared for me
As I did for you, me, honey
Really can't be honey
When you show no emotion, devotion, communication and passion for me
Honey, call me honey
Honey, call me