I'll hold when you cry
And promise to look away
So you don't feel uncomfortable
So you don't feel ashamed
Though there is nothing to be ashamed of
We both know at times
Its hard to escape
The thoughts of eyes upon us burning through
To our
Secret places kept hidden from view
Until now
I guess that's just what it means to be loved
I'll hold you 'til you cry
And make you food when you're hungry
My finger tips will trace your skin when you're anxious and afraid
You're safe
And you're always so lovely
In my heart
You'll remain
I hope you know
You're loved
I hope you know you're loved
I hop you know
You're loved
I hope you know
And that you'll always remember
You're loved
Scattered thoughts and comic books
Pilled up in the corner of a coffee table
Where you and i share most of our meals together
From nothing as it should be to everything in it's place
You're the human manifestation of grace
Under pressure
Im glad
That we're together
And for second chances bringing you back around
And a town with a bar that allows you to bring your own cereal
And for laughing while sharing fears with you
And whispering in your ear
And for so many things we've yet to experience
But will sooner or later
Because I'm not going anywhere without you hand in hand
There will be no see you later alligators
After awhile you and i will be second nature
To strangers passing in public
Thinking to themselves
They make such a cute coupling
Damn right
No more suffering through the night
I'll be here to help you fight any of the monsters that would dare to show their faces
You;ll always be my favorite
And I promise
From this day until the day we end up in the grave that
I'll hold you when you cry
And promise to look away
So you don't feel uncomfortable