I wish upon a shooting star
That my mind would be fixed
And I wish upon a shooting star
That the memories would die
Get me out of this hell
Trapped in my own sorrow
Trapped in the past
Please let me forget
That I'm already dead
I wish upon a shooting star that my mind would be fixed
And I wish upon that shooting star that the memories would just die
Trapped in my own sorrow
Trapped in my own past
Please let me forget
The way the killed me that night
Trapped in my own sorrow
Trapped in the past
Please let me forget
The way that he touched me and left me for dead
The next morning
I woke up crying
For no reason
I couldn't understand
I was just a child
And that's when the stress begin
That's when the nightmares began to take over my life
That's when the nightmares began
And that's when the stress began and ruined my life
I was only a child
I didn't understand
Crying for no reason, no reason at all.
Now we rise!
We will take back what's ours!
The lives we always deserved!
We have control over what makes us mad.
We have life after rape X2
We are alive!
We will rise