Oh, baby, oh, harder, I want to look cute for you, Kiki is a good kisser, I'm not gonna
Lie, we have no problem with sexy time in bedrooms, and boy do I got lots of room, it's real, losing
Kiki, bitch, it's like being at the gates of hell, one man says oh well, and another man says come
With me, you're not going to hell, so who is right and why the f*ck is there a fight, lol, it's great, she is my
Dancer, I would pay a thousand dollars just to hold her, how can I be the man of her dreams if I don't know where she is, how can I be her
Handsome king if I have this evil in my world, f*ck no, oh, it's real, losing Kiki, bitch, it's like being at the gates of hell, one
Man says oh well, and another man says come with me, you're not going to hell, so who is right and why the f*ck is there
A fight, lol, and, and, and, and, if you think you're gangsta, I'm really gonna put her in the mood, I got my pistol, I shoot for Kiki, she really is my food, she falling for me, I'm
Falling for Kiki, just gotta do it, and, and hold on tight, no matter what, oh, everyone has to start somewhere, and I've started worshipping you, Kiki, we just got, we just
Gotta be free, if Kiki, they can only see, if they can only see, yeah