Send me to a supermarket to buy coffee for your house
I don't know what any of these words mean
You let your phone die again, so I have to guess how your roommates like caffeine
We are all addicted to drugs. We are all addicted to drugs. We are all addicted to drugs
We are all addicted to drugs. We are all addicted to drugs. We are all addicted to drugs
Y'all need pourover to get up
My sister's dog needs Klonopin
It's just hard to live - it's a given
But the more you let me in, the more I want to be let in
The feedback loop's insidious, and I love it
We are all addicted to drugs. We are all addicted to drugs. We are all addicted to drugs
We are all addicted to drugs. We are all addicted to drugs. We are all addicted to drugs
I've never had coffee
I've never smoked weed
I'm afraid of painkillers
I'm afraid of liking anything
I didn't even drink until my mid-twenties, but I wasn't better at anything
I wasn't even a person I liked being
I couldn't change the feedback loops I craved and still crave
We are all addicted to drugs
We are all addicted to drugs
Right now I am buying some for your roommates, and I will leave them by the sink
And I will drive home to my suburb
I will have access to basic needs and feel like I'm missing something
And be saving up being happy for the next time that you're with me, and
I will work, oh I will work! to make it soon