Billy was a boy from outer space
I didn't realize til we talked face to face
His skin was magenta and his hair looked like a jet
But I guess that's what I get
For meeting a boy on the internet
A long time ago, probly far away
Billy hit the space key and it let him far astray
To a place where everybody thinks it's all about them first
I thought him rather grounded for someone not from Earth
Until the time he ate my dad
So I ripped his purple head off and made him pretty mad
As soon as it grew back, he said
"I'll vaporize this place"
But I guess that's just what I get
For pissing off a boy from outer space
Billy was a boy from outer space
I didn't realize until it was too late
I recommend you go outside, smell the roses, feel the breeze
Oh humanity, please
Get off of the internet