Ancient Rites Tour Dates
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Ancient Rites Tour Dates
Sat. January 5th 2008 : Frostrock, Zaal Blommenhof, Staden (B)
Sat. July 28th 2007 : Nevelfest Open Air, Merksem (B)
June 10th 2006 : Extreme Aggression Festival, Leeuwarden (NL)
June 17th 2006 : Elektra Garden Party, Sliedrecht (NL)
June 24th 2006 : Graspop Metal Meeting (Marquee 1), Dessel (BE)
01.02.03 Belgium, Antwerpen Hof Ter Lo / Haunted Ball 2003
03.01.03 Holland, Amstelveen P60
14.12.02 Poland, Leszno D.K. Kolejarza/ Hell Fest V
26.10.02 Belgium, Roeselare Sporthal Kerelsplein/ Bang Your Brain Fest.
05.10.02 Belgium, Stekene 't Gildehuis / LUGBURZ FEST IV
23.08.02 Czech Republic, Hvozd u Konice BRUTAL ASSAULT VII OPEN AIR
03.08.02 Belgium, Lommel EUROROCK 2002 FESTIVAL
14.06.02 Belgium, Vosselaar Biebob
19.04.02 Belgium, Koersel Club 9
16.03.02 Spain, Granada Piorno Rock 2002
21.12.01 Germany, Hamburg Markthalle/Marx, "At the Gates of Dim Carcosa"
20.12.01 Germany, Heidelberg Schwimmbad, "At the Gates of Dim Carcosa"
19.12.01 Germany, Potsdam Waschaus, "At the Gates of Dim Carcosa"
18.12.01 Germany, Halle Easy Schorre, "At the Gates of Dim Carcosa"
17.12.01 Germany, Stuttgart R?, "At the Gates of Dim Carcosa"
15.12.01 Germany, Zwickau Alarm, "At the Gates of Dim Carcosa"
14.12.01 Germany, Mindelheim U2 Ultravision, "At the Gates of Dim Carcosa"
12.12.01 Holland, Zaandam De Kade, "At the Gates of Dim Carcosa"
11.12.01 Germany, Bochum Matrix, "At the Gates of Dim Carcosa"
10.12.01 Switzerland, Prattelin Konzertfabrik Z7, "At the Gates of Dim Carcosa"
09.12.01 Italy, Ravenna Rockplanet, "At the Gates of Dim Carcosa"
07.12.01 Austria, Pabneukirchen Lava, "At the Gates of Dim Carcosa"
06.12.01 Czech Republic, Prague Black Pes, "At the Gates of Dim Carcosa"
05.12.01 Czech Republic, Pilsen Pod Lampon, "At the Gates of Dim Carcosa"
02.12.01 Holland, Rotterdam Baroeg Festival
20.10.01 Belgium, Machelen Kakkewiet
22.09.01 Belgium, Hasselt Fixxxer Metalfest
18.08.01 Belgium, Kortenaken Boerenrock
26.06.01 Israel, Tel Aviv Barbie Club
22.06.01 Belgium, Dessel Graspop Metalfestival
17.06.01 Holland, Hilversum Tagrijn, cd-presentation
15.06.01 Belgium, Vosselaar Biebob, cd-presentation
28.04.01 Holland, Roosendaal De Wieken
16.12.00 Germany, Ammendorf Uhrenwerk
25.11.00 Finland, Jyv?yl?FONT> Lutakko
24.11.00 Finland, Joensuu Kerubi
23.11.00 Finland, Oulu Woodoo
22.11.00 Finland, Helsinki Nosturi
18.11.00 Finland, Kuopio Valhalla
17.11.00 Finland, Tampere Rusty Angel
12.11.00 Holland, Venlo Perron 55
11.11.00 Belgium, Heule Den Ast
28.10.00 Belgium, Avelgem Kerkhove
01.10.00 Holland, Halle De Woage
23.09.00 Holland, Bergen op Zoom Martelgang Metalfest - Boho
06.08.00 Belgium, Geel Biebob Metalfest - Axion Hall
23.06.00 Holland, Vroomshop Vroomshop Open Air
11.06.00 Holland, Roermond ...
27.05.00 Holland, Harderwijk Park 3
05.05.00 Belgium, St.Niklaas OJC 't Kompas
26.03.00 Belgium, Antwerp Prison of Antwerp (!)
15.01.00 Portugal Festival
15.01.00 Holland, Veenendaal Escape
18.12.99 Belgium, Vosselaar Biebob - "10 years of A.R."
03.12.99 Holland, Hilversem Tagrijn
21.11.99 Holland, Nijmegen Doornroosje
20.11.99 Belgium, Beverlo ...
13.11.99 Greece, Athens Woodstock
06.11.99 Belgium, Edegem Limerick
24.10.99 Holland, Veldhoven Odeon
25.09.99 Belgium, Wetteren Metal Zone, Opening
20.08.99 Belgium, Mol JH Thydee, Weistival Open Air '99
27.06.99 Belgium, Dessel Graspop '99
26.06.99 Belgium, Flemalle Fiesta Du Rock '99
19.06.99 Holland, Utrecht Zaal Brouwer, Festakel VIII
29.05.99 Belgium, Aalst JC Ter Linden
23.05.99 Holland, Mierlo Dynamo Open Air '99
15.05.99 Belgium, Menen Badhuis
08.05.99 Belgium, Kessel-Lo Sojo, Undergrind
20.04.99 Portugal, Lissabon Ritz Club
18.04.99 Portugal, Barroselas Festival, Steel Warrior's Rebellion
17.04,99 Spain, Madrid Festival, Sala Ritmo & Compas
09.04.99 Belgium, Opwijk JC Nijdrop
03.04.99 Holland, Bergen op Zoom BoHo, Metal Trio
27.03.99 Holland, Dordrecht Bibelot
26.03.99 Belgium, Hoogstraten Cahier du Bouillon
02.03.99 France, Paris Dunois, Fatherland-tour
01.03.99 France, Lyon Rail Theatre, Fatherland-tour
28.02.99 Spain, Barcelona Sala Garatge, Fatherland-tour
27.02.99 France, Toulouse Le Bikini, Fatherland-tour
26.02.99 France, Strassbourg La Laiterie, Fatherland-tour
25.02.99 Switzerland, Prattelin Z7, Fatherland-tour
24.02.99 Italy, Biella Babylonia, Fatherland-tour
23.02.99 Germany, Muchen Incognito, Fatherland-tour
21.02.99 Slovenia, Ljublana K4, Fatherland-tour
22.02.99 Austria, Graz Orpheum, Fatherland-tour
19.02.99 Czechoslovakia, Brno Semilasso, Fatherland-tour
20.02.99 Germany, Fraureuth Ratskeller, Fatherland-tour
18.02.99 Poland, Katowice Mega Club, Fatherland-tour
16.02.99 Germany, Osnabruck Hyde Park, Fatherland-tour
15.02.99 Germany, Essen Zeche Carl, Fatherland-tour
14.02.99 England, London Astoria / LA 2, Fatherland-tour
13.03.99 Belgium, Denderhoutem Jachthoorn, Fatherland-tour
12.02.99 Holland, Zaandam De Kade, Fatherland-tour
11.02.99 Germany, Hamburg Markthalle, Fatherland-tour
06.02.99 Holland, Leiden LVC
25.12.98 Holland, Steenwijk De Buze, Christmassacre '98
23.12.98 Holland, Hardenberg Podium, Dutch Metal Night
20.12.98 Holland, Tilburg 013, Metal Matinee
19.12.98 Holland, Hengelo Metropool
18.12.98 Holland, Arnhem Goudvishal
11.12.98 Holland, Sneek Het Bolwerk
16.10.98 Belgium, Vosselaar Biebob
20.09.98 Holland, Rotterdam Baroeg, CD presentation
22.08.98 Belgium, Diest J.C.Thijl, CD try-out
29.06.98 England, London Standard Music Venue
20.06.98 Holland, Wassenaar Twilight Zone, From Dawn Till Dusk
06.06.98 Germany, Werdau Stadhalle, SummerClash-Tour
05.06.98 Germany, Bishoffswerda SummerClash-Tour
02.06.98 Italy, Biella Babylonia, SummerClash-Tour
01.06.98 France, Toulouse Le Bikini, SummerClash-Tour
31.05.98 Spain, Barcelona Sala Garatge, SummerClash-Tour
30.05.98 France, Strassbourg La Laiterie, SummerClash-Tour
16.05.98 Belgium, Hasselt Via Kloaka
10.05.98 Belgium, Waregem Steeple
09.05.98 Holland, Eindhoven Dynamo-caf?FONT>
01.05.98 Belgium, Veerle Zaal Vinea - Ath The Gates Of Hell
30.04.98 Holland, Leiderdorp Sjelter - Koninginnedag
19.04.98 Belgium, Verviers Spirit Of 66
24.01.98 Germany, Trier Excil
05.12.97 Holland, Hilversum Tagrijn
16.11.97 Belgium, Temse Expo-hall, Mindview Metal Convention
11.10.97 Belgium, Wevelgem Ten Goudenberghe
19.09.97 France, Lorient La Manage en Chantier
31.08.97 Belgium, Denderhoutem Jachthoorn
26.07.97 Holland, Steenwijk Stonehenge Open Air
01.06.97 Greece, Athens Next - club
30.05.97 Holland, Staddijk ...
29.05.97 Holland, Groningen Maas
24.05.97 Belgium, Veerle Zaal Vinea
June 21 1996 Garatge Club, Barcelona, Spain,
July 13th, 1996 Dragon's Blaze Festival, Beveren-Leie, Belgium,
January 15th, 1994 Pavilhão Carlos Lopes, Lisbon, Portugal

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