They told us time was the same
They told we were the ones to blame
I don't believe those lies
Please give me back my smile
For one last time and night
Let me hold you in the light
Time passes and we're not the same
Youth passes by and I feel lame
The world expects you to
Grow forever young too
Indeed we'll become the same
In the name of this big game
And how is it to be born again
To be again where we began
When we first met, my friend.
Like when we were only friends
When love wasn't real
When at first glance we saw
A light shinin' through
We need to start anew
From the ashes we'll be born again
Not dull as the world
We'll be something else
We'll start a new journey
Looking for what we were
And how is it to be born again
To be again where we began
When we first met, my friend