I was a ship lost on a stormy sea
Caught in the chaos
No anchor for me
My hands were trembling
My heart weighed down
'Til I saw the light and turned around
I let go of my pride
I faced my pain
Admitted the chaos
The unmanageable reign
Believed in a power that could make me whole
Turned my life to God and searched my soul
The truth is heavy but I let it fall
Confessed my wrongs to the mirror, to God, to all
With every tear I found something new
The strength to heal and start breaking through
I laid down my burdens
My faults, my shame
Humbly asked for a cleansing flame
Made a list of the hearts I'd betrayed
With a will to rebuild what the damage had made
The hardest step was to face the hurt
To own the scars I'd pressed into the dirt
But as I made amends
I felt the weight lift
Each apology, a precious gift
I mended the bridges
I thought were burned
With a heart renewed
And lessons learned
Each step I take now
A life redeemed
Walking with faith in a sober dream
The road is narrow
But the way is clear
With every step
I find hope near
A spiritual awakening
A fire inside
To carry this light
To be a guide
Now I walk with grace
I stand in truth
Living each day as living proof
A message of hope for those in despair
You're never alone; we're always there
Twelve steps to freedom
A path of grace
A journey of healing
A sacred space
Through darkness to light
Through chaos to peace
This is the power of release