I'm boutta throw this laptop out the window
You know what, Feel free to play around with it, Make it your own
Yeah just go crazy with it
Go crazy with it
Go crazy with it
You know that saying
We might live in a crazy world
But we all have even crazier worlds living within us
Isn't that Albert Einstein?
Is that Albert Einstein hahaha
I actually don't know who said it
But my point is
Don't be afraid
Use that instrument nobody uses
Drop that mixtape
Send that text
Tell that person you love them
Say that thing out loud
Scream it out loud
Get your hands dirty
Play with fire
Get burned
Those burns tell a story
And the burns will make them look at you
The burns will make them hear you
And the burns will make them listen to you
See, it turned it out dope
We created this
I created this because
The world is mine
The world is yours
The world is his
But more than anything