How Excellent is your name In the Earth?
The glory of your name Shines like the morning star (Yeah)
When I consider the works of Your hands the moon and Stars you set in place
When I see myself in the Mirror all I see is your Glory
Your Glory, Your Glory Elohim!
What is man your mindful of Him? The son man you visited him?
Made us lower than the angels
Crowning us with Glory and Honor!
Let all creation worship you
From the the highest of the Mountains to the depths of The sea!
Let everything that has breath Praise you, Praise You, Praise You, Praise You (Ah Yeah)
I will praise you with my heart I will sing with all my Soul
I will worship you with All my strength With all my Strength, Yahuwah!
How Excellent is your name on the Earth How Excellent is your name?
I will sing, I will Dance, and I Will Praise I will not give up I Will continu