You know better. You're better than this|There's no right side of the wrong has-been|Say whatever, whatever it is|To justify, but you know it's bullshit||When you lay on the track don't blame the train|When you play with fire you'll feel the flame|When you shake your fist up at the sun and the storm comes|Don't complain when you're prayin' ' prayin' for rain.|Prayin' for rain.||Get it together. You're worth it.|There's someone out there for ya you don't have to fix|Don't settle. Don't quit|Don't you ever give up on the real thing||When you lay on the track don't blame the train|When you play with fire you'll feel the flame|When you shake your fist up at the sun and the storm comes|Don't complain when you're prayin' ' prayin' for rain.|Prayin' for rain|Oh rain, rain|Won'tchu go away?|Don'tchu ever come back. Give me a sunny day||Oh rain, rain|Won'tchu go away?|Don'tchu ever come back. Give me a sunny day||When you lay on the track don't blame the train|When you play with fire you'll feel the flame|When you shake your fist up at the sun and the storm comes|Don't complain when you're prayin' ' prayin' for rain.|Prayin' for rain||Oh rain, rain|Don't complain when you're prayin'|Don'tchu ever come back. Give me a sunny day|(Prayin' for rain)||Oh rain, rain|Don't complain when you're prayin'|Don'tchu ever come back. Give me a sunny day|(Prayin' for rain)||Prayin' for rain|Prayin' for rain|