Tá tú thart orm (You're all around me)
Tá tú i gceartlár mo chroí (In the centre of my heart)
You surround me Tá tú thart orm (You're all around me)
You indwell me Tá tú i gceartlár mo chroí (In the centre of my heart)
You surround me
You surround me Tá tú thart orm (You're all around me)
You indwell me
You're beside me Tá tú ag mo thaobh (You're at my side)
Ever present always near
You're the whisper Is tú ag cogar (You whisper)
Calling my name gently Ag glaoch m'ainm (Calling my name)
Love eternal Grá go síoraí (Love eternal)
Reaching to me jealous for me Ag faire orm (Watching over me )
Go héadmhar dom (Jealous for me)
I will stay with You forever
Arm in arm we'll walk together
You will never let me go
I can't live my life without You
My whole will to live is for You
You've awakened me to know
You surround me You indwell me
You're beside me ever present always near
You're the whisper calling my name gently
Love eternal reaching to me jealous for me
Is tú ag cogar (You whisper)
Go sámh m'ainm (My name gently )
Grá go síoraí (Love eternal)
I can't live my life without You
I can't live my life without You
I can't live my life without You
A Dhia fanfaidh mé leat choíche (God I will stay with you forever)
Lámh ar lámh le chéile (Arm in arm together)
Ní scaoilfidh tú mé riamh (You will never let me go)
Ní fiú ní fiú mo bheatha gan tú (My life is not worth it not worth it without You)
Thug tú cúis 's ciall dom' shaoil-se (You gave meaning and sense to my life)
Mhúscail tú mo chroí (You awakened my heart)