Have mercy on the people in the street|Help them find a way to get back on their feet|Have mercy on those who would be free|Free to work and hope, living peacefully |Oh, have mercy, mercy on us all|Have mercy on us all|Have mercy on the downtrodden and the meek|Help them find their strength and a voice to speak|Have mercy on the woman and the man|Trying hard to raise their child and doing the best they can|Oh, have mercy, mercy on us all|Have mercy on us all|Oh-oh, it's not easy to understand what it all means|Have mercy. From this earth we must not roam|Like celestial gypsies in a search for our new home|Give me the wisdom to do all I can today| To help tomorrow's children have a better place to play|Oh, mercy. Mercy on us all|Have mercy on us all|Shower down your mercy like rain|