Steve-o said 'that was the scene of the crime' as we drove |past the church the other day|It may have seemed like a good idea at the time but |getting hitched didn't quite work out that way|Yeah, I don't really know why but I thought it would be fun, fun, fun |Thought it would be fun|They say marry in haste, repent at leisure. All the boy wanted was to |Extend the pleasure of her company; and so on bended knee|He made a feverish proposal, didn't think it through |Never stopped to wonder 'Is she right for you?'|Everything going through his mind so fast Never was a fool so determined to cast his fate like dice|If you ask him now why he did it; he'll say I thought it would be fun, fun, fun|Thought it would be fun|The hall was engaged and money was spent; the big day came and the minister went |On droning in tedious tones 'Bless you my children and don't throw stones' |The celebration after was oddly restrained, everybody smiled politely|And made appropriate noises at the proper moments but |Unbounded joy came only slightly|Nary a whoop or a holler stirred the whole proceeding|Ask him now how the hell he got through it and he'll smile and tell you 'good breeding'|That and I thought it would be fun, fun, fun Thought it would be fu|Fun, fun, fun thought it would be fun|They carried it forward with predictable results; it didn't take long |Until the bloom was off the rose|They hadn't finished being children when they had to be adults|And there's no fun in that as everybody knows|Steve-o's rebounded and got a second wife, mostly forgets about that previous life|And guess what? Now he's having fun, fun, fun, having lots of fun|Fun, fun fun, having lots of fun|