Darkness stares into my soul
She sees I am not whole
Afraid, I pretend I cannot see
I try to deny the darkness in me
But she reaches in despair
Embrace compassion not fear
Inviting her in didn't feel like a sin
In silence we sat for a while
Then she spoke how people fear her smile
With flawless perfection and elegant charm
She began to reveal her truth without harm
I bring hate so you can know love
I bring fear so you know courage
I bring despair so you can know hope
I bring sorrow so you can know joy
The opposing force in the universe you see
Without me the beauty of this world would never be
Darkness spoke unto my soul
Without me you're not whole
I spoke to my friends fear and sorrow
But they only live to take your tomorrows
I am so alone
I've even lost my shadow
But I'll be here today and I'll be here tomorrow
In silence we sat for a while
Then she spoke how people fear her smile
With flawless perfection and elegant charm
She began to reveal her truth without harm
I bring hate so you can know love
I bring fear so you know courage
I bring despair so you can know hope
I bring sorrow so you can know joy
The opposing force in the universe you see
Without me the beauty of this world would never be
Make friends with me
Make friends with me
Make peace with me
Make peace with me
Embrace me
Embrace me
Embrace me
Embrace me
Embrace me and I'll leave you be
Darkness took my hand in hers
A black rose breaks the curse
I realised that darkness just like me
Exists for a reason we sometimes can't see
Darkness seldom visits anymore
But I know she's still there
In every cold and icy stare
In silence we sat for a while
Then she spoke how people fear her smile
With flawless perfection and elegant charm
She began to reveal her truth without harm
I bring hate so you can know love
I bring fear so you know courage
I bring despair so you can know hope
I bring sorrow so you can know joy
The opposing force in the universe you see
Without me the beauty of this world would never be