There is a man you'll hear about
Most anyplace you go
And his holdings are in Texas
And his name is Diamond Joe
He carries all his money
In a diamond-studded jar
And he never was much bothered
By the process of the law
Hired out to Diamond Joe, boys
I did offer him my hand
And he gave me a string of horses
So old they couldn't stand
Id likely starve to death, boys
He did mistreat me so
I never saved a dollar
In the pay of Diamond Joe
Now his bread it was corn dodger
And his meat I couldn't chaw
And it kept me well distracted
With the wagging of his jaw
And the telling of his stories
I aim to let you know
There never was a rounder
Who lied like Diamond Joe
Now, I tried three times to quit him, boys
But he did argue so
And I'm still punching cattle
In the pay of Diamond Joe
But when I'm called up a yonder
And it come up time to go
Give my blankets to my buddies
And give the fleas to Diamond Joe