No Devil on my shoulder
Backpackin with the jansport
Sober dry January
I kicked the can
Because my hands sore
No maxin my agenda, no hand outs no answers
Now hand me my 12 pack
Mandorin orange LaCroix seltzer's
Boys organs are too fragile
My brain need some help I hurt my brain
Middle fingers to the CEO of cancer
Prance around the roomy for fumies till care bear here Cigarette smokey hair
Hear it blow out my ears
Gears turning, juices pumping, cheers flowing
Cones snowing my ears glowing, fears no showing
I'm fearless its
Showtime my dear
Green go go go time
Floating solo santa flying
Why's he this high only once a year?
In the spirit
Speaker up so you can hear it
God fingerspinnin the big ball
When I fall the world keeps spinning after all