I've seen the overcast skies
And I've seen the sun
But how those rays blister
Reminding me of my loss
I remember every word
I remember ever touch
Stagnation is my disease
But what good is a story
That just repeats the first few chapters
With nothing more to be revealed
Better to have lived
Than to never lived at all
Kill the boy and let the man be born
I need to face all my problems
Instead of duck and run
I'll only grow through this
I've only grown
I'll only grow
Repeat and Repeat
Repeat again
In this never ending cycle
I'll never win
There are better things ahead than any we've left behind
I will burn bright until the day that I die
And when my flame goes away
My embers will remain
I will burn bright until the day that I die
And when my flame goes away
My stories will remain