Embrace the flames which ignite invocation ov the left hand
Exaltation ov Baphomet, the horne'd one upon the throne ov liberation
Forsake false salvation and dispel the illusion
Brought forth by manipulation ov population
Out ov desire for the gold coin held high
Uphold the iron might ov the boundless and the unchained
Cultus Diabolus, worship the devil
Patron ov adulation, praise the one below
Become one with the eternal fire, Cultus Diabolus
The depths will awaken through the breath ov Leviathan
The earth shall be shaken with the unrelenting foot steps ov behemoth
We shall be brought unto the dawn
Embrace the flames which ignite invocation ov the left hand
Exaltation ov Baphomet, the horne'd one upon the throne ov liberation
Cultus Diabolus, worship the devil
Patron ov adulation, praise the one below
Become one with the eternal fire, Cultus Diabolus