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Devin Townsend Lyrics

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From the Album 1. Moonpeople 2. Lightworker 3. Equinox 4. Call of the Void 5. Heartbreaker 6. Dimensions 7. Celestial Signals 8. Heavy Burden 9. Vacation 10. Children of God

Other Songs 3 A.M. A Monday... A New Reign A Simple Lullaby Addicted! Aint Never Gonna Win Amsterdam Angel Ants As You Were Awake! Away Bad Devil Bastard Before We Die Bend It Like Bender! Blackberry By Your Command Canada Christeen Coast Colonial Boy Color Your World Dark Matters Deadhead Death Deathray Deconstruction Deep Peace Demon League Depth Charge Detox Devoid Dimension Z Disruptr Divine Dont Know Why Dreams of Light Dynamics Earth Earth Day Effervescent! Evermore Falling Apart Fallout Feather Fly Forever From Sleep Awake Funeral Gaia Gato Ghost Glacier Goodbye Grace Gratitude Greetings Heart Baby Heaven Send Heavens End Heinous Anus Hide Nowhere Hold On Hyperdrive Hypergeek Ih-Ah! Infinite Ocean Irish Maiden Jainism Judgement Julaar Jupiter Kawaii Ki Kingdom Knuckledragger L.A. Lady Helen Lessons Let It Roll Liberation Life Life Is All Dynamics Love-Load Lucky Animals Man March of the Poozers Material Mental Tan Midnight Sun Monsoon More! Mountain N9 Namaste Night Nobodys Here Noisy Pink Bubbles Noisy Pinkbubbles Notes From Africa Numbered! Ocean Machines Olives Om Omnidimensional Creator Pandemic Pixillate Planet Of The Apes Planet Rain Planet Smasher Poltergeist PowerNerd Praise The Lowered Processional Promise Quiet Riot Rain City Random Analysis Recipe For Bait Regulator Rejoice Resolve! Road Kill Ruby Quaker Save Our Now Seams Seventh Wave Silent Militia Sinner Sister Sit In The Mountain Sky Blue Slow Me Down Solar Winds Soul Driven Soul Driven Cadillac Stagnant Stand Storm Suicide Sumeria Sunday Afternoon Sunset Sunshine And Happiness Supercrush! Synchronicity Freaks Tall Latte Terminal Texada The Babysong The Complex The Death Of Music The Fluke The Greys The Mighty Masturbator The Ones Who Love The Way Home! Thing Beyond Things Things Beyond Things Through the Wormhole Tiny Tears Trainfire Traveller Travelling Salesman Triumph True North Truth Ubelia Unity Universal Universal Flame Universe In A Ball! Untitled Vampira Vampolka Victim Voices In The Fan Wandering Eye War War Princess Warrior Watch You Where We Belong Wild Colonial Boy Winter Younger Lover Ziltoid Goes Home Ziltoidia Attaxx!!! Ziltoidian Empire ZTO
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Devin Garrett Townsend is a Canadian singer, songwriter, musician, and record producer. He founded extreme metal band Strapping Young Lad and was its primary songwriter, vocalist, and guitarist from 1994 to 2007. He has also had an extensive solo career and has released a total of 28 albums across all of his projects as of 2022.

After performing in a number of heavy metal bands in high school, Townsend was discovered in 1993 by a record label who asked him to perform lead vocals on Steve Vai's album Sex & Religion. After recording and touring with Vai, he was discouraged by what he found in the music industry and vented his anger on his 1995 solo album Heavy as a Really Heavy Thing, which he released under the pseudonym Strapping Young Lad. He soon assembled a band of the same name, with whom he released the critically acclaimed album City in 1997. Since then, he has released three more studio albums with Strapping Young Lad, along with solo material released under his own independent HevyDevy Records label.

Townsend's solo albums have featured a varying lineup of supporting musicians and are a mix of hard rock, progressive metal, ambient, and new-age. In 2002, he formed the Devin Townsend Band, which recorded and toured for two of his solo releases. In 2007, he disbanded both Strapping Young Lad and the Devin Townsend Band, taking a break from touring to spend more time with his family. After a two-year hiatus, he began recording again and soon announced the formation of the Devin Townsend Project. This band began with a series of four albums, released from 2009 to 2011 and each written in a different genre. Townsend continued to record and tour under the new moniker until January 2018.

Across all his bands and solo projects, Townsend has released 23 studio albums and four live albums. His trademark production style, featuring a heavily multi-tracked wall of sound, has been compared to the styles of Robert Fripp and Frank Zappa. His vocal delivery ranges from screaming to an opera-esque singing, while his musical style is rooted in metal and his albums are written to express different aspects of his personality.
Born: May 5, 1972 (age 52)
From: New Westminster, British Columbia, Canada
Genre(s): Heavy metal, extreme metal, progressive metal, alternative metal, ambient
Instrument(s): Vocals, guitar, keyboards
Occupation(s): Singer, songwriter, musician, record producer
Active From: 1980s-present
Associated Acts: Strapping Young Lad, Steve Vai, The Wildhearts
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