I see you.
I actually do.
I hope that's okay with you.
I hope you want to be seen, that you want to be known.
Because what I see is very good.
The you that I see has nothing to do with your history,
With anything that's happened to you,
Or anything that you've done.
I see the real you under all of that.
What do you want people to see?
Have you been seen enough?
Often we haven't been, even by people who really love us.
But we can work with that.
We can appreciate it when they do.
And we can grow our ability to see ourselves.
We can learn to know ourselves.
We can listen. We can look.
We can feel inside.
We can be reliable.
We can be there with us.
No matter what is happening with the other person.
I can be there with me.
My attention can be with me.
We get pulled away. We can come back.
That's what happens.
Back and forth, back and forth.
Keep bringing your attention back.
There's a kind of clarity in that.
There's a kind of power.
Not a power over anyone or anything.
A kind of power combined with peace.
We just keep coming back with our attention.
We develop a new kind of eyes.
A new kind of vision.
So clear.
So alive.
So awake.
Because I can see me.
I am here with me.
And I am home.