Wherever God's good hand is planting me
Take courage heart, it will be best
Though I can't trace his will, a mystery
His purposes are ripening fast
Wherever God's good hand is planting me
My soul must press into his grace
And ground my life just like a growing tree
That covets not another place
For my God, He surrounds
And his arm upholds my life
And my God, solid ground
Oh my soul, abide
Cling to the Lord
His love endures
Wherever God's good hand is planting me
My anxious mind will find its rest
And though this world would offer sweet relief
It's here with Him I will be blest
For my God, He surrounds
And his arm upholds my life
And my God, solid ground
Oh my soul, abide
Cling to the Lord
His love endures
Wherever God's good hand is planting me
My hope shall come when from the skies
His presence pours, all drought will cease to be
As heavenly fountains satisfy
For my God, He surrounds
And his arm upholds my life
And my God, solid ground
Oh my soul, abide
For my God, He surrounds
And his arm upholds my life
And my God, solid ground
Oh my soul, abide
Cling to the Lord
His love endures
Cling to the Lord
His love endures