You are the vine, Lord, and we are the branches
Yours is the life flowing through our veins
You are the root and the source of all graces
With endless supplies in your name
In you we live, In you we breathe
In you all things hold together
You say, "abide," to stay by your side
Jesus, please keep us forever
You are rain showers and we are the desert
You make the wilderness paradise
You are the river and we will not wither
So long as we're planted beside
In you we live, In you we breathe
In you all things hold together
Where can we go, to thrive and to grow?
You have the living water
You are the Bread, Lord, the manna from heaven
You are the feast for our starving hearts
You were once broken that we be forgiven
The Bread of Life broken apart
In you we live, In you we breathe
In you all things hold together
Lord, hear our cries, to be satisfied
Jesus, come fill us forever
You are the sunrise and you are the splendor
Of the full sun at the height of day
You are the endless, bright sunset forever
Whose brilliance shall not fade away
In you we live, In you we breathe
In you all things hold together
Lord, quickly come, let shadows be done
Bring down your glory forever