Remember when they said that nothing good|Happens, after midnight|You were wild and I was young|And we were dumb enough to call it love cause it felt right|My daddy didn't like you, but|But mama talked him into it, and you would||Speed me home, fast as you could|Hair blowing in the wind, never felt so good|Every single second, we would spend together|Was just another second trying to make it last forever|Run a red light, blow a kiss to the roof|Leave enough time to lay one on you|Pulling in the driveway, running outta minutes|Tomorrow, same time babe, let's do it again|As long as I'm in by curfew||Jumpin' in, clothes on a limb|Losing track of time in a skinny-dipping buzz 'cause|We'd drink a few and I would chew|A little Juicy Fruit, to cover it up, no|They never even had a clue that|That we broke bout every rule, 'cause you would||CHORUS||So baby tonight, l want you to love me right|Want you to hold me tight, want you to love me like, when you'd||CHORUS|We made curfew