No I don't wanna make it famous
I've been so bored
I've been writing f*cking daily
Mama i've matured
But i'm still acting crazy
Writing these lyrics
But they still call me lazy
Taking a shit but don't give a f*ck
Maybe live the life that
I was dear to hold
But before I can make it famous
I'll be dead or old
Cause everything that I do
No one seems to listen
Is it my voice my words
Or is it just misdirections
No one knows how hard I am
Like a f*cking erection ah im joking
But to be honest
I'm missing the joy of life
Cause it's do or die or a who am I
Like a you or I or like a mom i've tired
Sorry i let you down
Sorry i f*cked around
Sorry i meet with jane
Sorry she eased the pain