We want more
We open the door
Let the King come in
We declare in one accord
Let the King come in common lift your hands
With the host of heaven
We declare You reign on high
On high
With ten thousand tongues and more
We proclaim Your Name on high
On high
We declare You Ho-o-o-o-o-ly
We declare You Ho-o-o-o-o-ly
We declare You Ho-o-o-o-o-ly
A-a-re You Lo-o-o-o-o-rd
We want more we want more
We open the door
Let the King let the King come in is that your prayer tonight
We declare we declare in one accord in one accord
Let the King come in let the King come in
With the host of hea-ea-ve-e-e-e-n with the host of heaven
We declare You reign on high we declare You reign on high
On high on high
With ten thousand tongues and more with ten thousand tongues and more
We proclaim Your Name we proclaim Your Name on high
On high on high
We declare You we declare You Ho-o-o-o-ly Holy
We declare You we declare You Ho-o-o-o-ly Ho-o-o-o-ly
We declare You we declare You ehh ehh ehh ehh Ho-o-o-o-ly Holy
A-a-re You Lo-o-o-o-o-rd
Sing it out sing we declare You Holy we declare You Ho-o-o-o-ly ehh
We declare You Ho-o-o-o-ly
We declare You we declare You Ho-o-o-o-ly
Are You Lord a-a-re You Lo-o-o-o-o-rd common lift every voice
And we sing it oh oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh oh oh say oh say ho say ho
Oh oh oh oh oh common lift those hands tonight say oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh oh oh say oh say ho say ho oh
Oh oh oh oh oh say oh say ho say ho oh
Oh oh oh oh oh oh that's right
Common in your own word give Him your worship
We lift You high higher
Common lift those hands and worship and delight yeah ehh ehh
We love You we love You Jesus
Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
Common with your hands lifted high say oh
Oh oh oh oh oh sing it out from the depth of your heart
Oh oh oh oh oh oh say oh say oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh oh say oh say oh say oh
Oh oh oh oh oh yeah yeah ehh say oh say oh say oh
Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh aayy
Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh oh oh
Common lift your hands and worship Him alone
Lift your hands and worship Him alone
Say oh say oh oh
Say oh oh oh oh
You are Holy
You are Righteous
You are Faithful
There's no one like You
You are Holy
You are Righteous
You are Faithful
There's no one like You
Sing it out You are Holy
You are Righteous
You are Faithful
There's no one like You
You are Holy
You are Righteous
You are Faithful
Everybody common
You are Holy
You are Righteous
You are Faithful
There's no one like You
You are Holy
You are Righteous
You are Faithful
There's no one like You
You are Holy
You are Righteous
You are Faithful
There's no one like You
You are Holy
You are Righteous
You are Faithful
There's no one like You sing out
You are Holy
You are Righteous
You are Faithful sing it out common
There's no one like You
You are Holy
You are Righteous
You are Faithful sing it out let it be from your heart
There's no one like You sing You are Holy
You are Holy
You are Righteous
You are Faithful
There's no one like You
Sing out yeah You are Holy
You are Righteous
You are Faithful lift every voice
There's no one like You sing You are Holy
You are Holy
You are Righteous
You are Faithful
There's no one like You
You are Holy
You are Righteous
You are Faithful
There's no one like You