Look at you, you're lying there
I feel your milky skin, caress your silky hair
For all these years you've been with me
I tilt my chin and what I see is
Only you...
Not feet or knees
You grumble and I stumble
Towards the Meunster cheese
I'm in your spell, a chubby fool
And anyone can tell
You rule my world - my world -
No matter what I do
You rule my world
Look at you - my life, my dream -
My lady with the eighty-dollar
Slumber cream
The hundred-dollar haircuts
The novelty appliances we never use
And all those shoes
You bought for when we go on
The Alaskan cruise
My boat is sinking, I don't care
You're everything I want
You rule my world - my world -
You're everything I need
Anywhere you go I'll follow
Anywhere I'll follow you
Anything you want I'll give you
Anything at all
Harold & Dave
Anything you feel hollow, don't worry
I'll make you whole.
Look at me
And hold me hard
A moment please, before they seize the Visa card
'Cause I'd do anything to keep you
You rule my world Dave
I'll swallow it whole
Just take a look at me
You never leave my side
Why can't I let you go?
Why can't I just lose -
You rule my world
Harold & Dave
My world
Though I'm unemployed
A tad depressed
I'm overweight
I'm overdressed
Harold & Dave
There's nothing I can do, you rule my world
There's nothing I can do...