I like the way you look|I like the way you move|And my eyes keep finding your smile|In this crowded room|And I notice your lips moving |To every word of every song |You want to jump up here and sing one |Bring it on||Bring it on girl,|Let's get started,|Don't throw out this thing half hearted,|This ain't no every day come along,|Don't hold back now,|Don't be shy,|Come on give your love a try, |Let's see if side by sides where we belong,|Bring it on.||I like to get to know you,|A lot more than just your name,|Maybe taste some kisses,|And I hope you feel the same,|I don't know where this is going,|I just know the feelings strong, |And if you want to find out baby, |Bring it on. ||Bring it on girl,|Let's get started,|Don't throw out this thing half hearted,|This ain't no every day come along,|Don't hold back,|And don't be shy,|Come on give my love a try, |Let's see if side by sides where we belong,|Bring it on.||I'm not talking about a hook-up,|Or a one night stand,|I'm looking for a real love,|And if you're down with that.||Bring it on girl,|Let's get started,|Don't throw out this thing half hearted,|This ain't no every day come along,|Don't hold back.|And don't be shy,|Come on give your love a try, |Let's see if side by sides where we belong,|Bring it on.||Bring it on. ||||