Oh, I feel You so lovely
How bees are feasting on the flowers
Unaware of all their power
As they dip in sweetness
As they pass around the bliss
Spreading like disease, but in reverse
The ivy, the Spring
Announced from the breeze's lips
As the ocean's getting caressed
I bet they feel You lovely too
Yeah, I bet they do
Ah, how lovely You
Oh, all around me You
Oh, I feel You so lovely
Dawn is drawn, the dark is parted
Morning still comes for the smelly-hearted
As the gold creeps in from their blinds
The sun seeps through like a bride
Mutely, on your knees
As you feel relief
You nod in the breathlessness
You're held in the armlessness
I bet they feel You lovely too
Yeah, I bet they do
Ah, how lovely You
Oh, all around us You
Facades eventually subside
Plains of land in plain sight
A cracking-up chrysalis
Water's pouring from your chest
And you finally feel the lovely, don't you?
Raw in the gardens You
Spheres harmonizing You
Iris of a mother You
Deep in the blood pump You
What was only echoes in you
Now blazes out of you
It's out to get you
It's out to get you
It's out to get you
The lovely
How could anyone deny You?