|All you who cry|Why do you moan|Why do you live in the danger zone|Repeat after me, say...|I'm not involved|Don't be so brave|Just you survive|You're gonna live 'til you're niney-five|If you repeat after me, say...|I'm not involved||I'm not involved,|Over and over|I always say I'm not to blame|But over and over|I don't understand it|I just don't know|No, I'm not the one you're looking for|I'm not involved...|Anymore||Hey every citizen|Where have you been?|How did we make such an ugly scene|Repeat once again say...|I'm not involved||All you who cry|Why do you moan|Why do you live in the danger zone|Repeat after me, say...|I'm not involved||I'm not involved,|Over and over|I always say I'm not to blame|But over and over|Me no comprehendo|I don't understand|I'm not the one you're looking for|I'm not involved...|Anymore||I'm not involved, he's not involved|No-one is involved, where have you been?|Where was I when you needed me?|I was not involved|