When the bell rings|I feel emotion in my feet|My head is reeling|My heart is pumping to a beat|My face bleeds with desire|My soul feeds the fire|Keep up the fight||When the storm hits|I feel my head begin to spin|You come on so strong|And I can feel you start to win, do me in|When I fall the pain starts to scream|But you won't crush my dream|Keep up the fight||I often wonder|Should I yell for help|But now I know|I'm in it for myself|You want to hear me say you beat me|Delete me, defeat me|Oh, no||I've been knocked down|I've been dragged out before|But you can't hold me|I pick myself up from the floor|Come on, give me more|I'm here and I've come here to win|I'll never give in|Keep up the fight|