We all have personal shit to deal with you know
But it's only possible to achieve self-dominance if we know ourselves
I'm not saying I've mastered it
Hell not even close enough to say I know myself
What I do know is
That I need to work on certain things to get my head set up
That's why I always try to understand why I feel some way
Why I react the way I do
You know so I can wipe it all clean and organize my head
You know fresh start
That way I can be in control and get things done before it's too late
Cause I know you know
I know that I will never know when my time´s gone be up
So I better be ready it's a constant learning process
So I look back to understand what I did to change
Force myself to change
Cause I've got a clear picture of the man I want to be
And the things I want to achieve