Did you forget the way you'd trace my face
Like it was shaped out of stardust for you
Whispers of the way you used to mumble my name
Still haunt these walls that i took down for you
Do you regret the way you hissed "go away"
That night you lit up all the matches you threw
Planted lies in disguise
Painted over grey skies
Baby, when did you run out of blue
When was it for you
When you decided you were through
What was it for you
It cost me everything to lose you
Missing days, turned months, lost count of the years
I stayed buried in your labyrinth of greed
Impaired by hopeless guilt
Bleeding over the tapes
Rewinding every empty gesture I believed
Damn you really had me
It felt like home to me
False refractions from the stars in my eyes
That gleamed over your midnight
Eclipsed, but I'll be alright
In supercuts, I live them all again
But this time I'll find closure in the end
Because you lost your spark
I feel us caving in
No, I don't want your hand
I'll find my way in the end
You don't get to treat me like that
You see, now I am finally free
That was it for me
I want better for me
I'm getting out, believe
I've got some sun to see
Feel the breeze on my cheek
You can no longer touch me