Jace Lavoer Salter, known professionally as Iayze or Jace! (pronounced as "Jace"), is an American rapper from Fort Worth, Texas.
He is better known for his song 556 (Green Tip) which received traction on TikTok due to its quite old-fashioned instrumental paired with the modern/violent lyrics that Jace uses. He is currently independent.
In 2021, Salter started releasing multiple mixtapes and extended plays before gaining traction after his song "C'mere" went viral on YouTube and TikTok.
In January 2022, he appeared on late rapper PnB Rock's mixtape SoundCloud Daze before releasing the track "556 (Green Tip)" the following month. The song also went viral on TikTok, with multiple jokes being made about its instrumental.
Birth Name: Jace Lavoer Salte Also Known As: Iayze Born: January 10, 2003 (age 22) From: Fort Worth, Texas. Genre(s):
Hip hop,
Regalia Instrument(s):
Vocals Active From: 2019-present