I've been feeling like all I do is work so hard
I'm so disciplined
I'm so focused
And I've been feeling that restlessness come up
And that not resistance
But like f*ck I need to enjoy my life
Like what is this all for?
I've been working so hard and I'm lonely at times
So all this to say
That the feelings of guilt
Come from my own inner critic
Which I'm really working on
Not letting that voice
Be so powerful all the time
And I think that voice is also
The voice that pushes me so hard to excel
So its threatened when I'm not feeding it
Like the things that make that voice feel good are things related to
Productivity and proving my worth
And external validation and perception of the future
So you know being fully present with my friends
Having no real goal or outcome
Just being in the flow
Enjoying my time
Drinking relaxing playing games
Making music just for fun
All those things are so essential to my soul and entire being
But they threaten
They directly threaten
That part of me that ego voice
And that's why the feelings of guilt come up
You know that critical voice trying to regain control
Trying to shame me