Guitar song
Moving to fast in the wind sometimes
Taking these drugs then I feel alright
Baby come here make me feel right
2 Percocet's in my mind alright
I take drugs I think I'm going to be alright
God dam my mind is moving way to fast
It feels like I'm in the blast from the past
Adam and Eve feels so god dam wack
Bitches love me cause of the racks
Bitches only see me for the cash
Sometimes I have to run and dash
Baby come back I ain't tryna fight
Bitches see me maybe spend the night
I take drugs every night
I've been losing my mind I've been feelin tight
When I take drugs I feel not in the right
Bitches mad at me cause I say I might
This a whole spirit full of bullet holes
My life feels so god dam low
Taking drugs I feel no
In my mind darkest place
People say I'm insane
People say don't go away
I take drugs to numb the pain
Every day feels like the rain
Medicine percs cocaine
I take all no more pain