After ten years at sea
I am coming home
To see what is going
To see what is going
What is going on
After ten years at sea
I am coming to you
To see how it's gone
To see how it's gone
Gone for you
I see that something
Something has changed
Not even your smile
Is still the same
Is still the same
Your daughter
I remember when she started going to school
I saw her walking this morning
She didn't recognize me
The young man who is walking beside her
Must be her friend
And you
You wrote all these letters - and
And I
I couldn't care
After ten Years at sea
I lost all my friends
I lost all my dreams
And finally you
Let's go back to the ocean
Let's go back to the sea
Let's go back to the ocean
Let's go back to the sea
To stop bad emotions
Let's go back to the sea
To stop bad emotions
Let's go back to the sea
Let's go back to the ocean
Let's go back to the sea
Let's go back to the ocean
Let's go back to the sea