No lives matter
A million years from now
When we're just a tiny layer in the ground
Tyrannosaurus Rex made better kings and queens
Than any human beings
To rule over our plasticine landfill
No lives matter and in case you think I'm wrong
Can you even name your mother's mother's mother's mom
Or tell me what she looked like back when she was young
Did she think
That she was so terribly important
We all think we're so terribly important
But no lives matter
No lives matter at all
So just smile
Just smile
No lives matter and it's not hard to explain
In the time I sang those words how many people met their fate
But we want to live forever that's why we create
We make art
We make babies just to keep ourselves sane
No lives matter
But this I swear is true
In some passing moments it can seem just like they do
Like when I'm lying in bed right next to you
Whispering words
That I will love you forever
We all think that our love lasts forever
But love don't matter
Love don't matter when we're gone
So hold on
And love me only for the moment that we're here
Soon enough we'll just be memories
And there isn't really anything to fear
Before long we'll be no one's memories
No lives matter
No lives matter at all
So just smile