Labor on to win the crown
Royal honors shall be thine
Never lay thy armor down
Till the vict'ry's won
Be thou faithful unto death
Patiently bear ev'ry trial
All through toil and self-denial
Labor till thy latest breath
Be thou faithful unto death
Be thou faithful unto death
What if all the world despises?
Do not heed her vain devices
Do not yield nor give a breadth
Be thou faithful unto death
Labor on to win the crown
Royal honors shall be thine
Never lay thy armor down
Till the vict'ry's won
Be thou faithful unto death
Never doubt the promise given
Firmly set thy steps t'ward heaven
Keep the tempter underneath
Be thou faithful unto death
Be thou faithful unto death
Holy ardor make thee fervent
Till the Master calls His servant
Put thy trusty sword to sheath
Thou'st been faithful unto death
Labor on to win the crown
Royal honors shall be thine
Never lay thy armor down
Till the vict'ry's won