Every knee is gonna bow
Made himself no reputation
Gave up his divine station
Took the position of a slave
In human form to fight the grave
Every knee bow down
Every knee right now
All bow down down, all down down
Ooh bow down
Sinless obedience to God
Killed on a cross by hit squad
Therefore God elevated Him
To place of highest acronym
Every knee let's bow down
All that can hear
Yes, you out there
Bow down, all bow down!
Now above all other names
That at the name of Jesus
Every knee should bow
In heaven and on earth
Every knee bow down!
Every knee right now!
All bow bow down, all bow bow down
Ooh, all bow down
And every tongue should confess
That Jesus Christ is Lord
To the glory of God the Father
Let every heart adore
Ooh, ooh
Ooh, ooh