We're gonna get all patriotic again
Feels like this might be the end
Like the 80'S
But it's not the 80'S
We're gonna go get with the President
Got no room for any desent
It's the 80'S
Except it's not the 80'S
It was the dawn of micro chip
Right wing corporate synth pop hits
But looking back, it seems so quaint
Wondering who the hell I am
I've become a Madonna fan
Like the 80'S
But it's not the 80'S
It least they had that Hardcore
Can't say the same thing no more
It's just remastered and re-mixed
Hit that fork on the side of the road
Slam it, watch it all explode
Like the 80'S
But it's not the 80'S
Making cold wars hot again
The whole world's ours to offend
Like the 80'S
But it's not the 80'S
I can't find any empathy
All I see is apathy
Glue my face to a tiny screen
Live my life in a digital dream
You might say I'm paranoid
It's the 80's on steroids
It's not the 80's
It's not the 80's
It's not the 80's