The centrepiece of heavens gaze
A thousand suns shine from his face
The elders laying down their crowns
Forever living creatures shout
And they sing
Holy, holy, holy is the lord
God almighty
Who was and is and is to come
They all adore you
Bow down before you
Singing the song of heaven
When we're before him bowing low
The bride washed white as purest snow
We'll see the fire in his eyes
A jealous love that purifies
And we'll sing
Holy, holy, holy is the lord
God almighty
Who was and is and is to come
We will adore you
Bow down before you
Singing the song of heaven
Join with creation
Throughout the ages
Singing the song of heaven
Jesus Christ
Be glorified
Worthy lamb
You shall reign
All our praise
For your name
Worthy lamb (Jesus)
You shall reign (Jesus)
All our praise (Jesus)
For your name (Jesus)
(You are the Lord)
Worthy lamb (Jesus)
You shall reign (Jesus)
(You will restore)
All our praise (Jesus)
(The old for new)
For your name (Jesus)
(You are the Lord)
We will adore you (Jesus)
Bow down before you (Jesus)
Singing the song of heaven
Join with creation
Throughout the ages
Singing the song of heaven
For all time
We'll sing the song of heaven
Jesus Christ
Be glorified
Be glorified